Before selecting the best Italian photographer for your holiday trip make sure whether you need an outdoor or indoor photo. Check the small things. Just make out whether the prospect photographer has the skill of location shots or only masters in studio skills. These are the significant things that should be taken care of if you want your photo session to be perfect.
Most of the people do not have a clear idea about the actual work of a professional photographer. It is not just about the work and effort is involved to click a photo. It is all about investing the time and effort till the end with the photograph. The process of professional photography starts with Enquiry and setting up the photo shoots, while ending with Delivery of the prints to the client. In between they have to go through a number of processes:
Step One: Enquiry
It takes.5 to 1.5 hours to set up the photo shoot, dealing with the requirement of the user questions and computer work.
Step Two: Session
1 to 2 hours or more devoted for actually taking the photos.
Step Three: Post Production
After taking the photo, the photographer need further 4 to 8 hours of editing, prepping the photo sand sorting for client viewing.
Step four: Photo viewing
This is a process of 1 to 2 hours presenting photos to clients and arranging for the final sale.
Step five: Photo ordering
Its involve 1.5 to 2.5 hours for preparing the selected photos for print, including ordering prints and setting up online galleries.
Step six: Delivery
It is the final and end stage which takes.5 to 1 hour to get the prints deliver to the client.
More significantly, you are not paying for the time devoted by the photographer, but it is just the talent and experience of the photographer which gets paid. The money you are paying is not for the cost of ink or wood and glass holding it onto the wall. However, it is for the piece of art from a talented professional.