The key is to stay healthy is  plan your meals. If, you fail to plan you are planning to fail.

Tips to improve human lifespan:

Food is the only thing which can nourish you. Moreover, compromising with the quality of food, its safety and even with its hygiene aspects adversely affect your  good health. In addition to our body, our The brain and nervous system  also need specific nutrients to work properly. The nutrient deficiency syndrome can very well lead to antagonistic and violent behaviour. So the fat soluble vitamins, like vitamins K2, D3 and vitamin A were the most important component in the diets of primitive peoples.

Suggested Vitamins to add in your diet:

The presence of vitamin A in the brain, called retinoic acid, which is however critical to brain development. Vitamin A plays an important  role in cognitive function. The vitamin A is lacking most mothers in our fat-phobic society, gives birth to children of abnormal behaviour patterns later in life.

some recent research studies showed that the deficiency of vitamin D3 comes with an increased risk of depression and panic. However, symptoms like apathy and lack of insight, hallucinations, delusions and severe, chronic and serious brain disorder are found in the persons lacking vitamin D3.

Vitamin D contributes to the  production of serotonin, widely known as the molecule of will power, as well as delayed gratification. A lessen serotonin state can lead to an inability to create and execute well-formed plans.

Vitamin K2  contributes to the biological activities involve mostly cellular functions such as cell growth, apoptosis survival. It is a significant lipid present in high concentrations in brain cell membranes for better function of the  nervous system. The healthy food value of high-vitamin butter-oil, which is rich in vitamin K2 can cure many brain diseases.

The best source of all the vitamins components are in primitive diets like egg yolks, fish-eggs, cod liver oil, organ meats, oily fish, goose, meat fats. However in the modern industrial food you won’t get any healthy food value.